It has been a pretty epic editing process and one that I would not be in a hurry to repeat any time soon, but I am pleased to say that the volume that I am editing with Jonathan Gray is pretty much ready to go back to The MIT Press and should be done this month. Below is the chapter table of contents for Old Traditions and New Technologies: The Pasts, Presents, and Futures of Open Scholarly Communications. The book should be open access when it finally gets there.
Front Matter Dedication Acknowledgements Introduction Part I: Pasts Chapter 1: The Royal Society and the Non-Commercial Circulation of Knowledge, 1750-1950 Chapter 2: When the Law Advances Access to Learning: Locke and the Origins of Modern Copyright Chapter 3: The Histories of Public Libraries and Knowledge Politics Chapter 4: Accessing the Past, or Should Archives Provide Open Access? Chapter 5: Preserving the Past for the Future: Whose Past? Everyone’s Future Chapter 6: The Making of Empirical Knowledge: Recipes, Craft, and Scholarly Communication Part II: Presents Chapter 7: Libraries and their Publics Chapter 8: Open Access, ‘Publicity’ and Democratic Knowledge Chapter 9: Peer Review: Readers in the Making of Scholarly Knowledge Chapter 10: Infrastructural Experiments and the Politics of Open Access Chapter 11: The Platformization of Open Chapter 12: Scholarly Communications and Social Justice Chapter 13: The Pasts, Presents, and Futures of SciELO Chapter 14: Towards A Global Open Access Scholarly Communications System Chapter 15: Epistemic Alienation in African Scholarly Communications: Open Access as a Pharmakon Chapter 16: How Does a Format Make a Public? Part 3: Futures Chapter 17: Libraries, Museums, and Archives as Speculative Knowledge Infrastructure Chapter 18: (Re)imagining “Openness” through Epistemic Justice Chapter 19: Open Access and the Ethics of Care Chapter 20: Is There a Text in These Data? The Digital Humanities and Preserving the Evidence Chapter 21: Reading Scholarship with Computers Chapter 22: Towards Linked Open Data for Latin America Chapter 23: Learned Societies, Humanities Publishing, and Scholarly Communication in the UK Chapter 24: Not all Networks: Toward Open, Sustainable Research Communities Bibliography