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Martin Paul Eve

Professor of Literature, Technology and Publishing at Birkbeck, University of London

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Yesterday, I wrote of a challenge that I faced in working out which texts in a corpus have decent OCR and, then, which texts they actually are. This morning, I put together a small script that has a first go at this. I enclose this below for anybody who is interested.

The basic steps are:

  1. Read input from CSV and build a list of titles and identifiers (stripping all punctuation from titles and limiting it to 5 words)
  2. Sequentially read in the JSON files from disk, performing the same stripping transform above on the first ten elements in the dictionary.
  3. See if the transformed title is in the transformed first ten elements of the JSON file.

This currently yields me about 15 good titles out of every 1,000 JSON files. That said, these JSON files are not all in English. And many of them have bad OCR.

In any case, I’ll continue to refine this and expand the filters as safely as I can.

# coding=UTF-8
import csv
import re
import glob
import json

def load_csv():
    titles = {}

    # load the CSV file of titles
    with open('/home/martin/Mounts/THREETB/Corpus/book-list.csv', 'rb') as csvfile:
        csv_file = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')

        # iterate over the CSV
        for row in csv_file:
            # extract a potential title and substitute out all punctuation
            titles[row[0]] = re.sub('[\.\?\(\)\]\[,;:\'!\*!“]', '', re.sub('\[.+?\]', '', row[7])).lower().replace('  ', ' ').strip()

            # remove any titles here that are either blank or less than three words long or less than 6 chars total
            if titles[row[0]] == '' or len(titles[row[0]].split(' ')) < 3 or len(titles[row[0]]) < 6:
                del titles[row[0]]

            if row[0] in titles:
                    # shorten title to first five words
                    titles[row[0]] = ' '.join(titles[row[0]].split(' ')[0:5])
                except IndexError:
                    # title was short

    return titles

def parse_json(folder, titles):
    directory_to_parse = '/home/martin/Mounts/THREETB/Corpus/json/{0}'.format(folder)
    jsons = glob.glob('{0}/*.json'.format(directory_to_parse))
    ret = {}
    file_counter = 0

    for json_file in jsons:
        with open(json_file, 'rb') as json_file_handle:

            file_counter += 1
            if file_counter == 1000:
                print "Processed 1,000 JSON files"
                file_counter = 0

            loaded_json = json.load(json_file_handle)

            # check the first eight entries of the JSON
                for x in range(0, 10):
                    subbed_text = re.sub('[\.\?\(\)\]\[,;:\'!\*!“]', '', re.sub('\[.+?\]', '', str(loaded_json[x]))).lower().replace('  ', ' ').strip()
                    should_break = False

                    for key, title in titles.iteritems():
                        if title in subbed_text:
                            print '[{0}] {1}: {2}'.format(key, title, json_file)
                            ret[key] = json_file
                            should_break = True

                            # remove the key to avoid duplicates
                            del titles[key]

                    if should_break:
            except IndexError:
                # if we arrive here it's a short JSON

    return ret

if __name__ == '__main__':
    titles = load_csv()

    for folder_name in range(0, 25):
        parse_json(str(folder_name).zfill(4), titles)